Volunteers Clear Car Park

Heritage Volunteers Give up Sunday Mornings in Bid to Tidy Up Car Park

Late last year, in a bid to beat the wilderness that has taken a hold on the car park area to the rear of the Institute, the Save Our Stute volunteers used some of their funds raised to commission the workforce from the Town Council to beat down the weeds and brambles with a tractor and flail.

With the Spring ahead a number of volunteer days have been scheduled, with one of the first taking place yesterday, Sunday the 9th February.

The objectives were:

  • To clear away the remains of the beaten-down weeds.
  • To gather and remove all the litter and rubbish that has been thrown into the Institute land.
  • To mend the fences around the perimeter of the car park to deter more litter and rubbish and improve the general appearance

Starting at 9:30 the volunteers, comprising members of the Save Our Stute group and local businessman Mr Paul Harle, set to work and continued lat into the afternoon. The outcome was a remarkable and visible improvement.

The objective was to try  to keep more of the car park clear and better maintained so that it can be better utilised during the year ahead.  The intention is to use it to host a variety of outdoor events to benefit both Institute and community, and to maximise the availability of parking spaces for events.  

(10th Feb 2020)