WWI Memorial

Shildon Railway Institute - Members War Memorial - The Great War 1914 to 1918

The Shildon Railway Institute Members Memorial was unveiled on 8th February 1921 and commemorates the contributions of 250 members of the Institute who served during the Great War of 1914-1918; 30 of whom gave their lives during the conflict.

During 2021 volunteers of the Shildon Heritage Alliance CIC undertook a project to learn as much as they cold about the 244 soldiers, sailors and airmen and the 6 nurses so that they can be remembered properly by the Institute and by family and visitors. 

The resulting information was revealed at a special Remembrance event at the Institute on Saturday 13th November 2021 which had been scheduled to coincide with the Remembrance Ceremony at the New Shildon War Memorial outside the Railway Institute which also took place that day. 

If you click on the link below you can access and download a .pdf document containing everything we have learned so far about the men and women named on this memorial.

One thing we have learned is that we will most likely never learn everything there is to know - but we intend to keep this document updated as we come to learn more about tese men and women.

You can help us to ensure that these brave former Institute members are never forgotten and that future generations of their families can come to understand them and the part they played, and a little of their ordinary lives. We would particularly appreciate help with the men that we have been as yet unable ti identify. Please use the form below to submit any new information you might be willing to share and we'll ensure that future versions of the document published include your information.

Thank you! 

NB: Photographs We regret that this form does not allow you to send us photographs, however we would love to receive photographs of any of the former members that served during the Great War. You can email photographs that you are happy to share using the email address feedback@shildonrailway.institute - remember to tell us who the photograph is of.

Tell us what you know about the men and women of the Shildon Railway Institute War Memorial 

By ticking this box I agree that Shildon Heritage Alliance CIC and Shildon Railway Institute can add the information I have provided to future versions of their SRI War Memorial Research Document so that others can learn more about the Institute Members that fought in WWI
By ticking this box I agree that a researcher from Shildon Haritage Alliance can contact me if they need help with the information I have provided